Adam Chilton

Typescript React Full Stack Developer

From design to reality

I take early stage ideas all the way to a working product you can be proud to take to market.

Contact Me

Services I provide

High Performance Websites

Websites enhance a company or an individuals brand and how that website looks and feels reveals a lot about that brand. I build high performance websites and applications to get individuals and businesses onto the web with a professional product they can really show off.

I pride myself on providing great value; through my years of experience I have found many tools and techniques to keep on-going costs to a minimum. Some websites I have build have £0 hosting costs, this site is one such example, take a look around and see what you think.

If you are impressed with the way it looks and responds get in touch!

Contract Development

Reliable velocity is a necessity at any company size, I have a qualification in the AGILE methodology and have guided companies in getting the most from their team. I have and will introduce, linting, testing and Continuous Integration to any team; providing fast reliable updates, minimising manual intervention.

My broad experience in creating end to end solutions is most valuable to smaller companies perhaps building their first web application or larger companies looking to upgrade their legacy technology.

While I love React JS and front-end development, I have also built NodeJS servers to interact with SQL and NoSQL databases or found other solutions to storing data. This site, for example uses Github to store all it's pages.

Geo-spatial Expertise

My niche beyond development is in geo-spatial technologies. Before becoming a developer I was a geographer consulting to the Ministry Of Defence and my passion for spatial technology has stayed with me.

Tracking applications, spatial data conversion or quality assurance, presenting data on a map, I can help through consultancy or solutions.

Everything happens somewhere, I can help you show it.