
A digital L8 logbook for Legionella Monitoring compliance.

Date: 05/2018 - 12/2019

Role: Front End Tech Lead


What is L8log

L8log utilises IOT temperature sensors to provide regular temperature updates for all outlets (taps, showers, etc.) to ensure that the water held within the outlet is outside of the temperatures which Legionella bacteria thrive.

(Images available upon request)

The Requirement

Legionella bacteria, the cause of Legionnaires disease can be deadly and the compliance of water systems is legally mandated. The current law (at time of writing) requires one temperature measurement per month to be above or below the dangerous temperature range where Legionella bacteria thrive (approximately body temperature). The test for this is to run the outlet for 5 minutes, which doesn't replicate real life usage. Legionella bacteria can bloom to dangerous levels within 24 hours.

The aim for this service was to provide a better understanding of the water system to the end user as well as capturing outlets that do not reach compliant temperatures so that actions can be taken prior to the end of the month.

The Benefits to the end user

There are two user types that this system serves. The first is that of a site manager maintaining legal compliance of their system. The other is a regional manager responsible for multiple buildings.

Despite the legal requirement, were legionella to be found in a water sample it will cause the site to close for a number of days and even weeks. This has it's own financial implications that this service helped businesses avoid.

Site Managers

Site managers gained up to date information across their whole site for every outlet. This made it easier for them to know that if an outlet was already compliant for the month or if maintenance needed to be taken. For the more proactive site managers who endeavoured to always be compliant further reducing the risk of Legionella.

Regional Managers

For regional managers the benefits were that the manager could maintain an overview of all their sites without travelling between the sites, this is a common occurrence that would take days from a month of work. Secondly if a company had an issue with Legionella bacteria it provided data to compare against other sites to better learn how to improve.

Frontend Features

Real time temperature data

Data was being ingested in real time from thousands of sensors. The frontend included overviews at a company, site and individual sensor level. All of these updated in real time as new temperatures were sent to the service. I aided in the design and creation of dashboards and granular views to interrogate the data provided.

Report Generator for Water System Inspections

I built a report generator which allowed the inspector to add outlets to their report, which them gave them a form to fill out before outputting a pdf report that could be sent to the client.

On the administrator side each outlet required different questions to be asked of the inspector. To generate these I created a survey editor tool allowing the admin team to add questions, edit wording or change the order of the questions which would then update immediately across the system.

User Management

User management and data access controls allowing users at all levels of the organisation to view the data at different levels of granularity and manage other users in the tree below them.

Key Libraries and Tools Used

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