
Total items with tag: "Cypress": 2

Ebay Classifieds Group -

I joined Gumtree as they looked to reform their technology stack from a Java templating framework called Freemarker into a NodeJS, React and Redux micro-service utilising a design system to automate changes between designers and the front end. Gumtree is also initiating a 'shift left' taking quality assurance into the hands of developers; thus the front end team were looking to set up Cypress for…

Royal Navy - Navy Digital Services

Due to the nature of the work done for the Royal Navy I cannot disclose much information about the projects themselves. To date I have worked on two projects as a Full Stack Developer working in TypeScript to provide prototype user interfaces created in React and GraphQL APIs to provide server-side data. Project 1: End to End GEOINT Aim End to End GEOINT project's goal was to build a concept…
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